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Random Joey update.

As I posted on my personal blog, I have been feeling really sad lately because of all the tragic events I have been seeing on the news. I wanted to remind myself how lucky I am by posting a Joey update on here!! I took Joey to the doctor`s yesterday because he has a cold (runny nose and congestion in his chest but no serious wheezing yet, touch wood.) and they weighed him- he weighs 13.6 kilos (almost 30lbs) now!!! It is really interesting to see his personality develop, so far I have concluded that my son is outgoing (he never seems to shy away from people), strong (trying to get things away from him if he doesn`t want to give things up is a mission!!), athletic (climbing on the table is his new favourite thing to do) and he has a great sense of humour. He cracks me up alot lately because when we are laughing about something, he will join in with the joke and put his hand over his mouth and let out a big guffaw of a laugh. I have to try and get it on video one day because it really is adorable.

He is somewhat less adorable when he is throwing a tantrum because I won`t let him do something. I have always been anti- spanking and I am currently trying to find alternative ways of disciplining him but I am ashamed to admit that I have tapped him on the hand from time to time when my reprimands fail to work for the fiftieth time. I think he gets the stubborness from his father but I have heard that I was a bit of a handful as a child as well so who knows!?! ;-)

We are still having issues with his sleeping habits but I am somewhat resigned to them for now as it is going to take a change in my psyche to actively do something about it and I don`t have the strength to make him CIO or anything like that. I think it is time to re-read some of my sleep-training books! LOL! Before I do that though, I might take advantage of the fact he is asleep and take a nap myself!!

It's so easy for people to say take a nap when the babies are sleeping. Hump! who's going to cook, clean, and do all the stuff around the house! :)

p.s. as far as tapping him on the hand, there's nothing wrong with that. show him who's boss because as you know, Joey's in the lead right now. He's in charge :) I love it :)

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